Prosperity First Resources, Inc. (PFR) is structured as a World Class Company to Generate Prosperity in The Heart, The Mind and then Manifest Prosperity into Reality via Creative Financial Engineering, Business to Business (B2B) Resources and Strategic Alliances!
¤ PFR exists to help develop Alliances of Visionary Entrepreneurs who are Forward-Thinking and understand that our business enterprises require that we, “Find a Human Need and Fill It!” We do not give away a fish, we help teach others how to fish so, they can be self-sustaining and contribute back to the whole Human Prosperity Experience!
¤ The success of our businesses is dependent upon human beings as our end client. Therefore, it is good business sense to reinvest some of our “Prosperity Profits” into upgrading and sharing prosperity profits with our clients and stakeholders to improve their Quality of Life! By doing so, we strengthen the good will bonds that foster brand loyalty to our Strategic Alliance Companies! In case one missed it, this strategy naturally connects to Nature, Other Living Things & The Environment on Mother Earth!
¤ At PFR, we believe that we can achieve a balance between Prosperity, Profits & Beneficial Quality of Life on Earth!
We are Creatively Financing Visionary Entrepreneurs whose companies generate positive change in The Quality of Life!
One aspect of PFR is to Select Business Investment Opportunities, Deploy, and Manage our Private Equity Investment Capital. Another aspect is to Creatively Finance Infrastructure Development and Real Estate Projects wherever feasible, buildable, and bankable. We can apply our Creative Financing Solutions to a variety of financing challenges via our Network of Resources and Strategic Alliances.
Prosperity First Resources, Inc. is the Visionary Entrepreneur’s Strategic Alliance Partner (and friend)! As Visionary Entrepreneurs generate profitable revenue, it is important to develop suitable and appropriate Wealth Management Strategies with competent and reliable resources. PFR is an important gateway to these resources.
When the right Entrepreneur is ready, we will appear! It is incumbent upon the Visionary Entrepreneurs to recognize us when we appear!
Prosperity First Resources, Inc. has simple and straight forward requirements that, when met, activate our full financial support. As long as our Visionary Entrepreneurs live up to their best business performance practices and goals, we all Prosper!
Beneficial Objectives:
- Create a Paradigm Shift regarding Money: Money Serves the Needs of People, rather than People Serving the Desires of Money!
- Create a nimble “School of Fish” from Visionary Entrepreneurs who will become World Class Entrepreneurs!